Dress Shopping Advice


Dress Shopping Advice1While we help plan and execute many weddings at the Addison each year, sometimes the best advice comes straight from our brides!

Although the 411 on the latest industry trends, tricks and tips from our in-house experts are useful, a bride who has been through it all can provide a great perspective.

Nadjalissa married Cesar in spring 2015 and has some amazing advice to share with couples just beginning to plan their wedding.





My Tips for Dress Shopping Success

“Firstly, have a style in mind before you begin your search.  Are you an elegant bride, classic, sexy, modern?  In my case, I found that regardless of the direction my wedding décor style was headed, I was most attracted to the classic ball gown.”

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“Secondly, it’s super important to give yourself enough time to find the right look; especially if you’re a tougher fit.  Know you style’ know what areas of your body you want to accentuate and the parts you want to disguise.  Also, alterations are a must, so don’t focus to hard on the actual dress size.”

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“Thirdly, a great salesperson should work with you, and not try to make the sale for the sales’ sake.  It’s much more effective that way, so make sure you get the right vibe from your assigned consultant.”

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“The final and most important piece of advice when picking that perfect wedding gown is; go with your instincts.  Everyone and their mother (literally) will offer their opinion; even if you don’t want to hear it.  Regardless of what anyone says, this is the time to think for yourself and to bring your vision to life.  Have fun being you.”

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It’s OK for your wedding Day Priorities to Change!

“Other than the initial ‘sticker shock’ of how much your dream weddings might cost, the biggest surprise can be seeing you priorities evolve throughout the process.  We added elements such as a live string band and salsa dancers.  Both were elements we did not initially contemplate, but in the end couldn’t live without.  Wanting our big day to be a uniquely memorable experience for our guests replaced budgetary constraints as a priority.  It also strengthened our decision-making process, since it was a team effort from start to finish.”
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