There are a few defining moments in our lives on this earth and all of us here at the Addison feel exceptionally lucky to be part of one of them! While every couple who says “I Do” here offers us a unique perspective as planners, we are always gifted the profound experience of witnessing a union between two people brought together by love.

In celebration of  Florida becoming the 36th state to legalize same-sex marriage, we are sharing two great Addison-hosted gay weddings in Boca Raton

First we hear from German and Andrew on their Addison wedding experience! Enjoy their photo album with shots by Poirier Wedding Photography.

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Addison: As an out-of-state couple, what led you to say “I Do” in South Florida and how did you know the Addison was the right venue?

German & Andrew: We live in San Francisco, while our families’ reside in South Florida and we chose to host are wedding there both because of our family and because the area is the perfect melting pot for our respective Colombian and Jewish cultures. Once we decided on the area, the Addison was an easy choice as they offer the best food and service and the beauty of the property speaks for itself!

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Addison: The planning experience is incredibly different for each couple. What was most important to you?

German & Andrew: The most important part of the planning process was incorporating special details into the wedding that were personal to us and our family. Andrew’s father passed away, so we wanted his presence to be felt at the wedding in a special way. Andrew’s wedding ring, the tallith used during the ceremony’s seven blessings and the kiddish cup all belonged to Andrew’s father. During the reception, we toasted our wedding with our grandparents crystal champagne flutes.

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Addison: Choosing the words you will use and the traditions you will employ during your ceremony is an important and personal choice. What motivated your decision when it came to your ceremony and vows?

German & Andrew: We may have been hosting a fundamentally “non-traditional” wedding as a same-sex couple, and we’re not sure how common gay weddings in Boca Raton are at this point, but our wedding style was 100% traditional. For us, it was important our nuptials be rooted in Jewish and Colombian tradition as well as formal, black tie wedding tradition. Our right to marry is finally recognized and we wanted to honor that by carrying forward those traditions. We worked to find an officiant who could conduct a Jewish wedding and speak Spanish. The wedding was actually conducted in three languages- English, Spanish and Hebrew.

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Addison: How did you decide on the look for your wedding? 

German & Andrew: Pinterest, pinterest, pinterest. From the venue selection, the look and feel of the event and the wedding party attire . . . pinterest all the way. Also, we relied heavily on blogs of other gay weddings Boca Raton at the Addison. With the architecture, we wanted to create a warm space reminiscent of old Europe and South America. That meant neutral colors, lots of candles and the incorporation of natural and gilded elements. We worked with Daniel Events to turn our vision into a reality. They are known as the best in the area and they certainly did not disappoint!

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Addison: Was there a specific wedding element you found yourselves spending lots of time perfecting?

German & Andrew: Music is a huge part of German’s life, family and culture. For us, music was key for setting the tone for the wedding. We hired a string quartet for the ceremony and cocktail hour. A set list was carefully crafted by German and his father and incorporated both classical pieces as well as more recognizable pop selections for guests not familiar with the genre. We also carefully outlined what music to play during dinner and reception. The dancing started early and kept going strong until the end of the event. Our wedding day was incredibly meaningful and moving, but it was also lots and lots of fun!

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Addison: If you had to choose one moment from your wedding that will always bring a huge smile to your faces, which would it be?

German & Andrew: We both agree that walking down the aisle and looking around to see our friends and family from all over the world gathered in the majestic courtyard under beautiful, 100-year old Banyan trees and floating hydrangea flowers is the moment of the wedding we will never forget. We recited our personal vows with tears of joy and laughter.

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Where German and Andrew planned a destination wedding at the Addison, Christy and Sarah are South Florida residents who chose to host their nuptials close to home! Get their perspective on the Addison gay weddings Boca Raton experience and enjoy some photos of their big day, shot by A Sophisticated View Photography.

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Addison: What led the two of you to the Addison for your wedding? 

Sarah & Christy:  We went to a bunch of beautiful places and found that we either liked the ceremony site or the reception site, but never both. When we walked into the Addison, we felt like we were in a special place. The venue seemed to have its own aura. When you walk in, you feel like you are already in a special event. Between the beautiful Banyan trees and fountain for the ceremony and the rustic, two-story, historical Main Dining Room, we were sold! Once we saw the Addison, we compared all other venues to it and nothing measured up.

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Addison: What was your biggest struggle during the planning process and how did your Addison team help?

Sarah & Christy: Since we are a same-sex couple, we really struggled with how to come out and walk down the aisle. While the majority of outdoor ceremonies at the Addison begin with the groom at the top of the isle and the bride walking towards him from behind the guests, neither of us wanted to be the one waiting for the other. We worked with our Addison planners, Grace and Cindy, to come up with some creative options for how we could both make our entrance. They were both so receptive to doing things differently and told us that it was OUR wedding and we could be as creative as we wanted! They helped us decide how to setup, how to best walk so people could see us and how to time the ceremony. They really knew what would work and what wouldn’t and in hindsight, we are really happy we listened!

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Addison: Many couples today opt to write their own vows as the two of you did. Having been through the process already, what advice would you give to another couple?

Sarah & Christy: We knew we wanted to write our own vows and both of us had a hard time articulating what we wanted to say to each other. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to make the vows we would recite perfect. The funny thing is, we now realize that any words we chose would have been perfect as long as they come from our hearts. We both ended up having similar themes and it all centered on what we loved most about the other person. Our advice is to speak from the heart and not to focus on trying to write the most profound words ever spoken! You do not have to be a poet to express what you mean to each other.

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Addison: Where did you find inspiration for your wedding decor? What was the process like for you?  

Sarah & Christy: We first picked our colors and the flowers we liked the most. That seemed to dictate the color scheme for everything else. We then met with our florist, Brett from Boca by Design, and looked through pages and pages of samples. We knew we wanted an artistic and rustic wedding so it would fit well with the venue’s natural décor and knowing that helped us narrow down the choices.

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Addison: Do you have one moment from your wedding day that will always stand out in your mind?

Sarah & Christy: The first time we saw each other in our dresses is a moment that will always be in our hearts and minds. We walked out of the Solano Ballroom, each through a different door and traveled around opposite sides of the fountain, so we didn’t see each other until we were only a few feet apart. We took each other’s breath away and had a moment where it felt like we were the only two people in the world!

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